• 圣经 CUV 导读本 和合本 简体中文 袖珍版 仿皮 蓝色 银边拇指索引 Bible Simplified Chinese Personal Size Blue PU
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圣经 CUV 导读本 和合本 简体中文 袖珍版 仿皮 蓝色 银边拇指索引 Bible Simplified Chinese Personal Size Blue PU

Regular price
RM 87.92
Regular price
RM 109.90
Sale price
RM 87.92


CUV - Simplified, Personal Size, Blue PU Leather, Indexed

圣经(导读本)-和合本. 简体. 袖珍神版. 蓝色PU皮. 银边拇指索引




封面采用PU (Ploy Urethane) 拼接缝纫工艺,书口银边,增加拇指索引,配置特色小鱼书签。

Title: Bible (Guidebook Edition) - Chinese Union Version. Simplified Chinese. Pocket-Sized Divine Edition. Blue PU Leather with Silver Edges and Thumb Index

This series of "Guidebook Bibles" comes in a portable and easy-to-carry 64K format, with five different styles for you to choose from. Its distinctive feature lies in the use of guidebook content within the book core, based on the Chinese Union Version. Each book includes introductions and summaries before each book in the Bible and enriches the content of the appendix, making this version of the Bible more practical.

Portable and easy to carry, five styles to choose from, introductions, summaries, and an enriched appendix make this Bible more practical. The cover uses PU (Polyurethane) splicing and sewing technology, silver-edged pages, and includes a thumb index, along with a distinctive fish-shaped bookmark.